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Support our Fund A Need 

Support Family Connections’ programs in the key areas of Community Building, Father Engagement, Mental Health Services, Parent Participatory Early Age Learning, and Tutoring and Mentorship. Your donation makes a profound impact on Family Connections’ ability to provide these services in our community in 2022 and beyond and helps us support our families through the challenges of new COVID variants, inflation, and more.

$7,500 - Underwrite the startup costs for our new Daly City Program - Help us expand our impact into a new community. Your support at this level will help us accelerate our timeline to launch mental health services to families in Daly City. Our unique approach to early learning not only focuses on healthy development for young children, but simultaneously supports parents with their most pressing needs so that they have the education, skills, and resources needed to help their children and families thrive.

$5,000 - Comprehensive Family Support and Engagement - Helps cover the cost to embed Family Support and Engagement into our programming. This includes our monthly Parent Nights or Parent Cafes, our Daddy and Me events, and Parent Support Groups. We are able to witness families create connections with one another and it is these connections that create a network of support that our families are able to access during some of the most challenging times they experience.

$2,500 - Help Bridge the Teacher Shortage - amily Connections has been successful in finding and recruiting teachers, but we face an uphill battle. We currently do not have any government or state funding that fully funds our teachers. You, our most dedicated supporters, have helped us bridge this gap year after year and we ask you to stand by our teachers once again to ensure that we have the teaching resources needed to meet a growing need for our programs. Your gift will be transformative by helping us continue to provide a competitive salary to our teachers, ensuring that we are able to retain our amazing educators for years to come.

$1,000 - Mental Health & Wellness - We continue to see an increased demand for mental health services as parents seek support in addressing the impact the pandemic has had on themselves and their children. Your gift of $1,000 supports crisis intervention and stabilization services, thorough assessments and individualized case planning, and ongoing, regular therapy for parents, kids and family members by our bilingual Mental Health clinician, a person they know and trust. A gift at this level can provide an entire family with mental health support at absolutely no cost to them. Help us support our families so that they have the capacity to support their children and each other.

$500 - Advocate for our Children - elp our children receive regular development screenings to ensure that they have the support they need to thrive at home and in school. All of our families receive an assessment that provides them with valuable information regarding their child’s development. These assessments help guide our work with our families and ensure that they receive the care and support they need to address any challenges they may be experiencing. Our staff are able to support each family by completing these comprehensive assessments and providing thorough follow up.

$250 - Create Conexiones Kits - We are excited to reach an entirely new community this year. To create a new foundation for the connections or “conexiones” with these new families, we hope to provide each with a learning kit that will contain books, activities, and more all focused on deepening the connection within the family. All of these kits will be created specifically to meet the needs of each family we work with.